Swtor Download Stuck At 9999

Posted by4 years ago

The download was pretty fast, but again, stuck at 99.7%. 7.1 - When I reinstalled, I chose another folder. Before, it was installed at C: Games and now it's installed at C: Program Files (x86). SWTOR Cheats Cheats on Star Wars: The old Republic are mostly ways of either level up your characters faster, grinding resources faster or earn credits. Bots can be used along with any class, but ranged classes are most effective to farm quickly and they will also get stuck a lot less often. Guide to download SWTOR Cheats using your.

Game stuck at 99.9% and Customer service sucks.

Hey everyone I am really stuck as to what to do next.

I install and update the game, it boots up lets me sign in but then I can't use any of my characters out of the first world as it is stuck at 99.9%.


I let it run for a few hours and nothing happens. I have followed all the usual steps like deleting bit raider but nothing.

I emailed bioware twice and just kept getting auto response useless help, pointing me to the forum. I tried to start a post but the forum won't let me it comes up with this 'you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.'

I have never been banned and I can't see a button to activate my username or whatever.

I tried to do in game help but the submit a ticket button is grayed out.

Swtor Download Stuck At 9999 3

From reading about a few errors like mine, it seems that it could be server side the issue. All it needs is for Bioware to reset my character position back to the fleet or anywhere else. Seems like an easy fix but it is impossible to get onto them to fix it. So yeah, that is where I am, I really have the itch to get back into this game too.

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Posted by1 year ago
Swtor minimum download stuckSwtor Download Stuck At 9999


SWTOR is the first and only MMORPG I've ever played. Started largely because it's based in the Star Wars universe but hoping to branch out a bit. If I can be picky, here's a few things I like about SWTOR that I'd like in another game:

I really like how simple the UI is and few keys are required when you start. Also like that the key bindings remain relatively simple as you progress. I play on a laptop without a mouse, so simple controls are a must.

The in-game tutorials are actually helpful, they covet the vast majority of things you actually need to know, and there's a helpful community that has filled in the rest.

I like the freedom to explore. It never really feels like it's on the rails, you can run around planets to your hearts content, and there are achievements for exploring.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Edit: was also F2P in SWTOR for three years before subbing, would love recommendations that have robust free options!

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